
Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight & Fat Loss - The Ultimate Guide

While it might be difficult for you to believe that yoga can help you to lose weight, it's actually true. Read on to find out which Yoga asanas can come in handy as you try to focus on weight & fat loss..

Lolasana(pendant Pose):meaning, Steps, Benefit & Precaution

Lolasana utilizes abdominal muscle strength and treats respiratory disorders and abdominal disorders.Know how to perform lolasana ashtanga from

How To Do Bhujapidasana: Steps, Variations & Benefits

Bhujapidasana can make the core, hands, wrists, shoulders, and arms stronger. Check out to learn how to do Bhujapidasana Perfectly and Know its Benefits & Variations.

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana - Revolved Side Angle Pose: How to do, Benefits & Postures

Parivrtta Parsvakonasana - Revolved Side Angle Pose: How to do, Benefits & Postures

Learn How to Do Boat Pose & Know Benefits of the Navasana?

Boat pose is a seated asana in which every limb is required to move towards your core or the center. Learn navasana steps & know benefits of it with

Spiritual Benefits of Yoga & Their Types

Learn & Practice Benefits of the Spiritual Yoga at We have a number of spiritual yoga training courses like Meditation, Stress Reduction, Chit Shakti Meditation, & others

4 Yin Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Want to know how to perform yin yoga wall poses. provides you with some great yin yoga poses sequences that would aid in weight loss & promote better well-being.

Ustrasana - How to Do Camel Pose: Steps, Benefits & Variations

Get some tips to learn how to do ustrasana yoga (camel pose) and for whom it's more beneficial? Read the article below to get a step-by-step guide to do this yoga pose in proper form.

How to Do Purvottanasana - Upward Plank Pose: Steps, Benefits & Precaution

Purvottanasana is a yoga pose that represents rejuvenation for the body and is also a symbol of new beginnings. Check out the benefits and steps to perform the upward plank pose.