While it might be difficult for you to believe that yoga can help you to lose weight, it's actually true. Read on to find out which Yoga asanas can come in handy as you try to focus on weight & fat loss..
Balasana is an easy yoga asana, but it is integral to your yoga practice. Learn how to do Balasana Yoga, duration & know the amazing health benefits precautions of a child’s pose with cult.fit
Best tips for practicing Dandasana safely with only blog.cult.fit. Also know how does Dandasana help and some other variations of Dandasana to do at home.
Surya Namaskar Mudra helps to balance energies in the body and treat various health issues. Get detailed information on Surya mudra benefits, step by step process, etc by blog.cult.fit.
Kriya Yoga, the scientific art of God, mastering the inner energy involving your body. Learn how to do it with its benefits & advantages with the blog.cult.fit.
Gomukhasana - Learn what is Gomukhasana and How does Gomukhasana help with cult.fit? It includes shoulders, thighs, hips, ankles, triceps, chest, and underarms.
Learn how does Padahastasana help? Know effective health benefits & steps to perform the ‘Hand to foot pose’ with cult.fit. What are some tips for practicing Padahastasana safely?