Whether you’re a beginner or someone whose fitness game is going strong, it’s always exciting to break out of the monotony and try something new. So here’s a thought: Why don’t we hit the refresh button and shape up with some yoga!

What can Yoga do for you?

Over the years, yoga has gained popularity all around the world⁠—and for a good reason. While its movements are low-impact, consistent yoga practice can help you shape up in more ways than one:

Tones your body

Yoga involves us holding poses that challenge our muscles, helping us build them. Over time, if practised consistently, the exercise will tone your body.

Builds your strength

Yoga pushes us to stretch our body to its limit, challenging our muscles to expand and then contract. Certain poses engage our muscles using body strength. These movements can make us stronger.

Improves your flexibility

Yoga poses encourage you to move your body in ways that run-of-the-mill exercise regimens don’t. This can make us more flexible ⁠— you may find yourself discovering muscles you didn’t realise exist! 

Some other benefits of yoga

  • Helps you manage stress
  • Regulates your sleep
  • Improves your heart health
  • Enhances metabolism

Now that we’ve established the several benefits of yoga, here’s a program that we’ve curated that can help you reap the benefits of yoga effectively.

5 Yoga Asanas to Make You Well Toned, More Flexible & Stronger



  • Strengthens back, glutes, and hamstrings
  • Improves balance
  • Engages the biceps and triceps, toning them
  • Opens and strengthens hips
  • Improves core strength



  • Tones your thighs
  • Opens up hip and groin muscles
  • Releases pelvic pressure
  • Promotes flexibility 



  • Stretches your hamstrings and adductors (thigh and hip muscles)
  • Improves balance and flexibility
  • Strengthens your core



  • Strengthens your ankles, thighs, chest, neck, and shoulders
  • Helps tone your abs
  • Opens up your chest for better breathing
  • Alleviates neck pain

Triang Mukha Paschimottanasana


  • Loosens your hips and hamstrings
  • Eases tension in your back
  • Stretches and tones your hamstrings

Sounds Intriguing?

If you think Yoga is the way to go for you, to get toned, become more flexible and gain strength, we've just the right program for you.

Shape Up with Carolyn is a holistic yoga program that keeps toning, strength, and flexibility at the heart of your exercise regimen. The program is spread over 3 weeks, with 4 sessions a week, and can be practised by both beginners and fitness pros alike. 

Each 40-to 50-minute session will see you focusing on various asanas, breathwork, mindfulness, and strengthening of your core. Additionally, the program also includes ayurvedic tips, daily challenges, and healthy lifestyle tips that will support your journey to a healthier lifestyle. You can also join the Facebook community to practice your asana for the day! 

Shape up with Carolyn is a great program that can refresh your workout regimen while helping you focus on several aspects of fitness that one often overlooks⁠, like mobility and overall strength. So if you’re looking for a sign to try something new, this is it!

Jul 13, 2022

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