
Weight Loss

Your Guide to Hacking the Indian Kitchen

Healthy eating does not always have to include exotic veggie salads or expensive pseudo-cereals. Find out through Krish Ashok, the author of ‘Masala Lab: The Science of Indian Cooking’ about a few simple hacks that’ll help you keep those calories in check.
Healthy Eating

7 Best Diwali Sweet Recipes for Diwali

Eating sweets on Diwali is one of the most famous rituals practiced in Diwali all over India. Read this blog to get a list of Diwali sweet recipes.
Healthy Eating

Apple Cider Vinegar: Nutritional Value, Benefits & More

Apple Cider Vinegar has various Nutritional Value and this blog by provides with various Benefits of consuming Apple Cider Vinegar.
Healthy Eating

Root Vegetables: Different Types, Nutritive Value, Benefits & More

Root vegetables, also known as edible roots, are the underground plant parts that are eaten as food. Read more to know every detail related to root vegetables.

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Difference, Symptoms, Treatment & More

type 1 and type 2 diabetes both lead to high blood sugar levels that increase the risk of several other conditions. Learn how to prevent diabetes in this blog.
Healthy Eating

Flaxseeds: Nutritive Value, Health Benefits, How to Consume & More

Flaxseeds occur primarily in two colors, yellow and brown, and they are termed as a superfood. Know every detail related to flaxseeds in this blog.
Healthy Eating

List of various Seasonal Vegetables Which Should Be in Your Diet

Adding seasonal vegetables to your diet is a very good way to meet your nutritional requirement. Here is a list of seasonal vegetables which can be in your diet.
Healthy Eating

The 8 Best Fruits for Hair Growth to Maintain Healthy Hair

Hair fall can be prevented by many remedies like taking a healthy diet which consists of fruits and vegetable. Know various fruits which keep your hair healthy.
Healthy Eating

List of Various Seasonal Fruits Which Should Be in Your Diet

You get to eat the finest seasonal fruits and absorb all of that flavor and nutrients. Here is a list of seasonal fruits which you can eat from