
Healthy Mind

How Are Mental & Physical Health Connected

Read on to know about the connection between physical & mental health along with various kinds of mental health issues, how exercise affects your mental health, how to have better conversations with yourself, and so on - with Therapist Shama Shah

Your Guide To The Right Pre-Workout Fuel

The kind of food you consume before your workout can have a significant impact on your fitness goals. In this piece, we’ve laid out what you need to know about the right pre-workout nutrition.

Too Much of a Good Thing - The Dangers of Overtraining

Think twice the next time you want to skip a rest day - overtraining can have consequences such as poor immunity, insomnia, and in extreme cases, heart attacks. Read our blog on the dangers of overtraining and how you can avoid the same.

Creatine - What is it and should you consume it?

In this blog, learn everything you need to know about creatine - one of the body’s naturally-occuring sources for muscle contraction, that can improve exercise performance and reduce risk of injury.

What is Stamina and How to Increase Yours

We’ve all heard the term but it’s likely that many of us don’t know what it really means. Here’s our breakdown of all things ‘stamina’ - what it is, what it isn’t, and how to improve yours!

Start ‘em young: Why fitness should be part of your child’s life

Fitness isn’t just for adults! Encouraging safe levels of activity for your child can have lifelong benefits. There’s just a few things to keep in mind. Read on for all you need to know.

Beat hangover with these 6 easy exercises

The war against hangovers is not only challenging to win but can hamper your entire day's peace and health. How to get rid of these irritating yet intense hangover symptoms? Experts say that exercising is an effective remedy for hangovers. In addition, many swear by "sweating it out" to get rid of hangovers.
Weight Loss

Punch The Fat Away! - Fitness Boxing for Weight Loss

If you’re still trying to reach your target weight and existing fitness formats don’t appeal to you, we might just have a format with the perfect mix of thrill & effectiveness. Read on to know how fitness boxing can be the perfect addition to your weight loss journey.

Get Everyday Fit With These 7 Power-packed Moves

Poor fitness levels impact almost every aspect of our lives - and that’s where functional or ‘everyday’ fitness training comes in. It’ll have you ready to face every day with confidence, and ace that bike ride, the Sunday morning run, and those weekend hikes!

Trainer Story | This psychologist packs a punch: Boxing Trainer, Gurmanprit’s inspiring journey

'Girls can't outdo men when it comes to strength,' 'Women are too weak to play sports,' 'Ladies must focus on building a home and not muscles' – sounds all too familiar? Well, like many of us, Gurmanprit, too, had to face the brunt of judgments and societal stigma while chasing her one true calling – Boxing. Let's find out how she overcame the many different roadblocks and made her way into the world of fitness.

Anantasana: Meaning, Steps, Benefits, Variation & More

Anantasana improves blood circulation and induces relaxation in your brain. Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to do Sleeping Vishnu Pose by

Simhasana - Lion Pose: Steps, Benefits & More

Simhasana or the Lion pose is one of the most unique yoga poses you would ever see. Discover the complete guide including steps, its benefits, and easy modifications.

Anulom Vilom: Everything You Need to Know About This Breathing Exercise

Anulom vilom is a type of alternate breathing technique also known as preparatory pranayama. Learn more about this practice and its health benefits, types & precautions.

Top 10 Calisthenics exercises for beginners

Calisthenics workout is a bodyweight exercise that increases your strength and stamina. Here are top 10 calisthenics exercise to reduce weight and keep you fit.

What is Karma Yoga: Its Principles, Benefits & Steps

Karma yoga is the selfless devotion to all inner and outer activities. Find the list of the key Karma Yoga principles that discipline your mind and its various benefits.

Push Pull Legs Workout: Meaning, Benefits, Routine & More

Looking for the best push pull legs routine for muscle growth? This article explains everything about push-pull workouts & includes a routine that you can use for building muscle.

How to Do Cat and Camel Exercise: Benefits & Complete Guide

The cat and camel exercise is a good stretching & mobilization exercise that helps "loosen" your spine. Read this step-by-step guide to perform it perfectly!

Vrischikasana - Scorpion Pose: Meaning, Steps, Benefits & Precautions

Scorpion pose helps in improving flexibility and strengthening the upper body and core muscles. Discover the benefits of scorpion pose and how to perform it.