"Stop eating junk food", "you need to exercise more", and "why can't you be more consistent?"
Many of us may have heard one or all of these nitpicking comments from our friends, family and sometimes even strangers at the grocery store. I feel you because I have been there too. While you may wonder, "why can't people let me be?" - sometimes it may just be out of concern, other times, errm - ANNOYING!

Like you, I have had my journey to losing weight in college, managing PCOS symptoms or even fixing my gut health. Phew, it's been a long journey. In fact, Google was a savior in some instances, but it frightened me with the worst diagnosis most of the time. After spending hours reading books, research papers, and watching videos, I wished there was a better way to find evidence-based information that's easy to understand by experts in the field. When I stumbled upon "Podcasts", - it was such a breath of fresh air where I learnt so much about health and wellness that it did not require me to stay put in one place. Still, I could listen to it on the go!

In 2022, I joined the Cult Transform team as a Head Coach, a personalized weight loss coaching program. We were thrilled to launch our podcast called "One Rep at a Time", this isn't your average health podcast; it's evidence-based, fun and engaging. Our host "Deepak Gopalakrishnan, aka Chuck", is a fitness enthusiast who shares weekly microcasts and interviews the industry's leading experts. We bring you the latest insights, actionable advice that you can use right away and real-life experiences to help people become a stronger, fitter and better version of themselves.
Why did we launch One Rep at a Time?
Our vision is clear; we want to make health easy for people through a medium available worldwide. Whether you're in Bangalore, Japan or Antarctica - you can learn ways to improve your health with impactful steps to reach your health goals. Today, we are bombarded with new information - "eat this, not that", which can be overwhelming for those who want to improve their health. We're here to bust myths and share what you need on various topics, from hormones and nutrition to the right workouts to help you get started and support you on your journey.
Each week we follow a theme where we simplify the information and address various topics, under nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress, and productivity, along with a long-form interview with an expert so that you can start taking action right away. We have new episodes every weekday from Monday to Thursday with bite sized under ten minutes content and a longer interview upto forty five minutes on Friday. If you’re tired and confused about what to do to boost your health, sleep better, balance hormones and take your fitness level up a notch - subscribe to One Rep at a Time on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Below are some of the episodes you might want to check out,
As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts about the podcast. Are there any topics which interest you, we can talk about them in our next episode!
Write to us on onerep@curefit.com