Winston Churchill once said, “To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often.”For us, this change came in the form of a simple name swap. Over the last 5+ years, we've redefined fitness & made it fun for everyone and will now be operating under a new name, ‘’. . But while the name might have gotten a little makeover, the cool stuff is the same! Our rebranding efforts came to fruition on May 10 and can be seen reflected across all channels, including our app and social media accounts.
But what led us to our rebranding?
Our journey is quite interesting. During the past few years, we witnessed massive growth in the health and fitness industry, helping us evolve as a recognized leader in the space. Under the cult banner, we started offering a host of facilities, ranging from group workouts to online fitness classes, gym- and equipment-based workouts, and much more.Having amassed a large ever-growing community of Cult enthusiasts, we knew it's time we work on amplifying our popular identity and devote our efforts to expanding the platform under a single brand name – ‘’.
What are our plans under the new brand name?
After we forayed into the gym segment last year, we were well on our way to becoming India’s de facto leader in fitness. Currently, we possess a widespread network of fitness centers and gyms all across the country—a position strengthened further by our acquisition of Fitternity this year. Under the new identity, our popular unlimited membership pack on the app will be known as ‘cultpass’ - a universal, all-inclusive pass providing access to all fitness services offered by our company. It will house multiple pack choices at different price points and access options.
Our members are clearly thrilled with this change

The way forward
Going further, the name will stand for everything that we offer in the fitness arena. On the other hand, offerings like the eatfit marketplace, therapy, teleconsultations and more will fall under the wellness category within the brand.The name ‘’ has caught on with our users in a big way over the last few years. Now, with this transition, we wish to cement that identity further. We look forward to seeing become the one-stop destination for people looking for anything health and fitness related. Hopefully, our rebranding efforts will take us further in this direction, and we are incredibly excited for this new phase.