Do sit-ups for that perfect six pack. Workout on an empty stomach. Do cardio to lose weight. The internet is choc-a-bloc with ‘fitness tips’ that will seemingly have you on your way to great health. The problem is though, that it can be hard to separate the myths from the facts -- and sometimes, it can all get a tad bit overwhelming. How can you be sure of what’ll work for you? Well, we’re here to get you started on the right foot, with some tried-and-tested tips that our very own trainers swear by.
1. ‘Work out’ a schedule
Deadlines alone won’t help us meet our health goals - sticking to a consistent schedule will. Set a realistic schedule for your day, and ensure you pencil in time for rest and physical activity. While it may be hard to stick to your plan initially, once you get into the habit, you’ll feel better prepared to tackle what the day throws at you. Remember though, that sometimes things may not go according to plan and that’s okay.

2. Choices maketh the man (and woman)
Make small choices to improve your wellbeing. Does cutting out all processed food sound too daunting? Start by replacing your packet of chips with some home-made chaat. Add more color to your plate. Commit to ten minutes of physical activity daily. Walk instead of taking autos -- it’s all about the choices, no matter how little they may seem!

3. Make time for mindfulness
Mindfulness means being aware of one’s surroundings and feelings - without judgment and reaction. Meditating, practicing yoga, or simply being aware of one’s breath are good ways to practice mindfulness. Its benefits include reduced stress, lower anxiety, improved attention, and more.

4. Move your body
The benefits of exercising regularly are well-known. A minimum of 30 minutes a day could mean lower risk of heart disease, better cholesterol levels and improved weight management. cultpass LIVE offers various types of workout classes - all you need to do is choose your workout at a convenient time slot and follow along!

5. Say bye to sedentary lifestyles
Setting aside some time everyday to workout is important - but what’s equally important is to get in some movement through the day. Avoid the urge to spend all your time sitting or lying down. Get some steps in while on a call, choose the stairs instead of the elevator, and do those household chores you’ve been putting off.

6. Start the day with light activities
You don't necessarily need to exercise for an hour every morning. Be it a 30-min yoga session, a run, a quick S&C session, or just a few stretches - starting your day off with some movement will give you a boost of adrenaline and set you up for a productive day!

7. Be an early bird
There’s truth to the saying ‘if you win the morning, you win the day’. Those who sleep early and wake up early are at lower risk of diabetes and heart disease. In addition, it gives you time to acclimatize to the day and get a workout in - which leaves you feeling energized through the day. It may seem like a tough task for those of us who regularly hit snooze on our alarms - so start small. Set your daily alarm back by just 30 minutes and see the difference!

8. Have some fun
Staying healthy doesn’t just mean strict diets and regimented workouts. It’s very much possible (and recommended) to have some fun along the way. Do a group workout with your family, burn some calories with Bollywood dance, and try out some healthy and delicious recipes with a friend!

It’s all about what’s right for you
You know your body best. Don’t be afraid to try different things to see what works for you. Just remember to consult your doctor before you make any drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle.