While it might be difficult for you to believe that yoga can help you to lose weight, it's actually true. Read on to find out which Yoga asanas can come in handy as you try to focus on weight & fat loss..
Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose) is a challenging but immensely beneficial inversion forearm balance pose & helps you to reduce stress. Learn how to do it & its benefits on cult.fit.
Mahamudra is an advanced asana of Hatha Yoga that helps expand your lung capacity and efficiency. Learn step by step process of how to do these asanas with their benefits.
Padangusthasana is a part of Bikram Yoga and is the number 12 asana in the sequence of asanas. It helps you make your body flexible stronger, & improve its balance. Learn its benefits & step by step process.
Shalabhasana is one of the most well-known poses of Yoga, which are best for people who are not flexible or have a rigid body structure. Read on to know How to do, Benefits & Steps!
Try practicing Setu Bandha Sarvangasana yoga, an amazing asana that prevents you from sleep patterns. Read more to know the benefits and how to perform these yoga poses in a perfect form!
Why should you do Utkatasana - Chair Pose? Get key attaining benefits & guide on how to do it with an experienced yoga trainer to improve your strength and flexibility.
Garudasana is an advanced yoga pose that helps twist and stretch your arms & legs and improves your circulation. Learn what Garudasana poses, its steps, benefits, precautions, & modifications.
Paschimottasana - Learn the benefits and Step by Step process of Paschimottasana that help your spinal cord to be flexible & strengthen. Read the cult.fit blogs now!