So you’ve finally got it right: You’re working out consistently, prepping your meals, and making sure your fitness journey is on track. It’s all going great ⁠— until there’s a travel plan around the corner. And all of a sudden, you find yourself fretting about breaking that fitness streak you’ve worked so hard to keep.

Sound familiar? I’ve been there too.

Every time I had a travel plan on my calendar, I found myself worrying that my fitness would take a back seat. But over time, I discovered little hacks that ensured my travel plans don’t hinder my fitness journey.

Spoorthi, Fitness Expert

So here are a few tips and tricks that have helped me stay on track with my fitness goals while traveling:

Getting my daily steps in

Whether I’m able to work out or not, I make sure to stay active. For example, when I’m traveling by air, I walk around the airport while I wait. Sure, I catch people staring at me ⁠— but hey! You’ve gotta get those steps in, right?Similarly, when exploring places on vacation, try to do it on foot as much as possible. And as a bonus, it can make your travel experience all the richer!

Modifying my work schedule

Just because the scenario is different from regular life, it doesn’t mean that our workout routine has to be abandoned. I try to squeeze in some time for fitness ⁠— even if it is a 30-minute session. If there are no weights available, I do body-weight exercises.

If I have very little time, I do a short Tabata or circuit-based workout. I also make most of the hotel gyms. And where there is no adequate equipment, I improvise and adapt!

Carrying a resistance band

Unlike weights, resistance bands are easy to carry around. If you do not have weight available, fret not. You can explore everything from squats and rows to extensions and curls using resistance bands. Get creative!

Choosing healthier food options

You don’t have to restrict yourself from all the food you enjoy. Balance is key. So, I keep the majority of my meals healthy but make room for indulgences too!

I generally eat a steak with lots of veggies for dinner if I had biryani in the afternoon.

Swapping food items for healthier options like salads, and adding protein sources to every meal is a great way to keep your meals healthy too. And remember, we tend to overindulge when we’re hungry. How about carrying a few nuts or a fruit to eat between meals instead? I usually carry a chikki (snack made of jaggery and nuts) or a fruit.

Looking up food beforehand

Researching eateries around you helps identify healthier options and make better choices. I use food discovery apps to check out restaurants and their menus beforehand, so I know what kind of food I can expect.

Adding activity-based options to my itinerary

When on vacation, you can also include plans that require movement ⁠— like trekking! It’s a fun and adventurous way to stay active.

Keeping myself well-hydrated

I carry a bottle with me at all times and make sure I’m sipping water frequently. Having juices can help too!

Checking if cooking is an option

Now, I’m not saying you need to cook all your meals. But a lot of places provide travelers with the option to cook. So if you’re up for it, you could cook at least one meal. Maybe make oatmeal, a simple salad, pasta, or anything that you may find convenient to cook.

Not stressing too much about it

A vacation is a break from your regular routine. And while your fear of losing all your progress may be legit ⁠— remember that you didn’t come this far in just a few days. And similarly, you will not lose out on your gains in a week or so either! So don’t fret over it too much. Instead, relax and have a great time, and know that you can get back to your routine as soon as you’re back.

They say fitness is a lifestyle. And a lifestyle needs room for flexibility. So think of your travel as a test to push your fitness goal a step further!

Credits - Spoorthi, Fitness Expert

Aug 31, 2021

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