Inspired from traditional boxing, we brought forth Fitness Boxing at, with the aim for you to get toned arms, along with a full-body workout. But don’t worry, we aren’t going to put you in a ring and ask you to fight off an opponent. Our Fitness Boxing workouts focus on traditional boxing movements and improved conditioning. This transforms boxing into a fitness regime for those who want to lose unwanted fat, gain lean muscles and build an athletic body. But in this blog, we look at how your arms can especially benefit from this. Let’s dive into it further.

Why Fitness Boxing is great for a full-body workout?

Fitness Boxing combines the many benefits of cardio workouts and weight training in one carefully designed fun package that gives your entire body a thorough workout.

  • Throwing and swinging punches, or moving your arm, back, and shoulder muscles using a kinetic chain tones your upper body
  • Slip, swings and crouch defenses that involve a wide stance and bent knees strengthen the lower body

What’s more, you also sneak in some core work with each movement!

How does Fitness Boxing help arm toning?

To understand how boxing enhances both strength and tone, let’s take a look at the movements of the muscles that are at work when you box.

Bicep muscle

This one takes little to no conscious effort. The bicep muscle is active throughout a boxing workout, as long as you hold your hands up. If you’re worried that your biceps will get big and bulky though, fret not. Achieving that usually takes additional conscious effort and weightlifting.

Deltoids (shoulders) & traps (large superficial back muscle)

The medial deltoid muscle (the triangular-shaped muscle that gives your shoulder its rounded contour) is triggered when you lift your arm to throw punches such as lead hooks and crosses. When you pull your arm back to guard yourself from a punch, you trigger the posterior deltoid and traps.


This is a fast-twitching muscle that generates power and adds speed to your punches. They are located on the back of your upper arm and are often overlooked in a lot of exercise routines. Throwing a punch straight requires the strength to hold your arm out extended repeatedly thus engaging the triceps. But without maintenance, this part of your arm can begin to loosen and sag.

Fitness Boxing Drills and Techniques for Toned Arms

Heavy bag punching

What do you do? In this drill, you need to throw punches with your body weight and momentum behind every blow. How does it help? It improves strength and makes your bones and ligaments stronger. It is also a great stress buster.  For these reasons, heavy bag workouts are great not just for the professionals but also for anyone looking to improve their physical fitness.

Combo speed heavy bag drill

What do you do? This drill has 5 rounds, each 50 seconds long, with 20 seconds breaks in between.

  • Round 1: Jab + Cross combination
  • Round 2: Cross + Lead Hook
  • Round 3: Jab + Rear Hook
  • Round 4: Lead Uppercut + Cross
  • Round 5: Freestyle these combinations, but with the same methodology

How does it help? This drill focuses purely on speed and helps you develop the punch speed you need to deliver quick blows. The idea is to pay attention to the two punch combos and make them seem like one.


What do you do? In this training method, you move around in your boxing stance, throwing punches in the air with all your might, thus mimicking an actual boxing match. It includes a mix of four punches – jab, cross, uppercut, and hook along with footwork, combinations, and defensive techniques. How does it help? When you punch, your chest, shoulders, arms and leg muscles are spurred into action which help deliver a powerful punch and burn calories.

Body-weight training

What do you do? This training routine uses your body weight as resistance. Here are a few of our favorite bodyweight exercises:

  • Push-ups
  • Body-weight squats
  • Jumping lunges
  • Planks
  • Burpees
  • High knees

How does it help? The bodyweight circuit has you pushing, pulling and jumping with your mass to carve out a fighter’s physique and build muscular endurance.  

Core workouts

What do you do? In boxing, every jab, cross, uppercut and hook requires rotational power from your abs, obliques, and back. It serves the purpose of generating force in your punches working in conjunction with your pectoral muscles.How does it help? A boxer’s core strength plays a crucial role in their conditioning. A strong core builds power and strength with each defensive and offensive movement.

In summary

Fitness Boxing is a safe, effective and fun workout option to tone your arms, improve endurance and alertness and build a lean physique over time with a variety of drills and techniques. It also helps you strengthen your bones and muscles, and increase the ability to fight risk factors of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.So get your fists up, and get ready to punch it out to perfection! Book a boxing session today.

Credits: Ajitkumar Futane, Fitness Expert (Boxing)IG: i_ajitkumar_

Sep 28, 2021

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