Have you been wondering if your child needs more fitness-related activities? Are the extracurricular activities organized by you and the school enough for your kid's fitness? If the answer is yes, you are headed in the right direction. Adding a few targeted fitness exercises to go hand in hand with school sports and extracurricular activities will complete the picture depending on the kid's age. Everyday exercise for kids provides them with a healthy and improved lifestyle. Physical training is an essential facet in a child's life. Fitness for kids means being physically active most of the time, with a light curated workout added into their daily routine. Sedentary lifestyle activities like watching TV, or playing video games for long periods is not beneficial to a child's overall development. Playing games like tag in the playground, playing football during lunch hours, going for evening walks with friends, walking the dog, or using playground equipment are considered a physical workout for kids. Add a few fun exercises for kids to finish the overall fitness routine. Meditation for kids is a good option to deal with the stress of the competitive world outside. It is vital to ensure that your child is eating healthy to be effective for the kid's workout.

Reasons why you need to train your kids from an early age

  • Promotes healthy growth in children, and these kids are more likely to continue with their fitness regime as adults.
  • It helps to maintain a healthy weight and lessen the chances of childhood obesity.
  • Research shows that regular exercise improves concentration and thinking abilities. Makes the child more alert and sociable
  • It assists in building balance and coordination skills and helps the child to develop muscle strength and flexibility.
  • Regular exercises improve cardiovascular health.
  • Improves and assists fine motor skill developments in young kids
  • Develops and hones gross motor skills like walking, running, jumping, etc.
  • Exercise for kids can boost self-esteem and confidence.
  • Workouts can ensure good posture. Poor posture can cause backaches and fatigue, headaches, and bad posture.
  • Physical activities have a tremendous ability to relieve stress and promote relaxation. It can improve sleep, which has a considerable impact on the child's overall health.
  • Exercising in groups and engaging in team sports helps build one's self-confidence and meet many like-minded people and have many friends.

Duration of kids fitness programs

Children aged between 5 and 18 need aerobic activities for at least an hour to strengthen their bones and muscles. The one-hour workout cannot be spread over the day. Based on the child's age,  20 to 60 minutes concentrated, age-appropriate fitness plan will generate the desired results. Cult junior provides age-appropriate exercises for kids that are programmed to keep the child fit and active. Under five years of age, kids need to play and be active for a more extended period, based on their age and motor skills. Teenagers need a more structured one hour workout every day of the week.

Workout for kids is very different from adult fitness programs. During school, children's exercises come under games practice and extracurricular activities like football, basketball, swimming, cricket, baseball, gymnastics, ballet, dance, and walking or cycling to school and back. Moderate intense physical activities help to develop and hone movement skills. Apart from this, a few fun exercises for kids and, will develop and keep their muscles and bones healthy and be injury-free as they grow up. There should be a certain amount of fun in fitness programs designed for kids. Enjoying the workouts is more likely to make them want to take part in it again. Overall physical activities will reduce time sitting in front of the TV, playing video games, chatting on the phone, lying down or being seated for long hours studying. Moderate intense physical activities and a structured workout for older kids for one hour duration, seven days a week is a must for teenagers. A proper healthy diet included with these workouts will ensure that the kids have the energy to complete the activities without feeling exhausted. Examples of moderately intense physical workouts for teens are- Rock climbing, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, aerobics, resistance exercise using your body weight or resistance bands, football, dance, hockey, skipping with a rope, hand-held weights, running, sprints, cycling long distance, martial arts, sit-ups, press-ups, and other related exercises. Fitness for teens should include daily school activities and a well thought out set of fitness exercises for active teenagers that will increase their stamina, improve endurance, and strengthen their muscles . One should be careful in not overdoing the fitness regime. Teenagers should avoid power lifting totally as this could cause injuries. Over exercising is not good at all. It is good to follow the rule of 1-hour exercise per day. Over training can lead to injuries and, for girls, a change in the mensuration cycles. It's good to have goals for improving your body, but it should be realistic and achievable.

Besides school sports activities and formatted physical workouts, yoga is excellent for kids, both young and teenagers. Meditation for kids calms their mind and helps them to focus better. It's a non-competitive sport that eases stress and tension. Learning the yoga techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner- fulfillment counters the stress and anxiety that a child faces in today's world. Mastering yoga at a young age, inspires self-confidence and fosters cooperation and compassion. Children gain enormous benefits from yoga, asanas and meditation. Kids yoga enhances their coordination, flexibility, improve their concentration, and brings a sense of calmness within them. These qualities, along with other physical activities, aids in the all-round development for the child. It will help if you exercise caution while getting your child to do physical activities to avoid injuries or burn outs. Like adults, children have different levels of interests and fitness. The amount of exercise will vary from child to child, depending on their age, skill levels, and interest in any particular activity. Make sure they have the proper safety gear for the activity they are participating in. Ensure that they have enough rest between workouts and a well-balanced diet that will keep the child from suffering fatigue and potential injuries.

Benefits of exercise that your child will reap.

Apart from strengthening their bones and muscles and increasing their self -confidence, moderate zxercises and physical activities will help children in the following ways:

  1. Keeps their mental state of mind healthy
  2. Learn the importance of exercise
  3. Reduces the risk of your kid developing type 2 diabetes
  4. Kids have a positive outlook
  5. Improves mental state of mind
  6. Develops leadership skills
  7. Exercise encourages positive behavior and a positive attitude
  8. Learn new skills that will be a part of the child's adult life
  9. Your child is less likely to be obese

Tips and cautions

  • Have fun exercises for children, don't make it a chore as they are less likely to repeat that experience.
  • Don't force a child to join a sports team or any activity. Talk to your child and see what he or she would love to do. Whether its running, swimming, football, dance or even simple yoga asanas, it is essential that your child loves the activity.
  • Try to limit screen time and include outdoor activities. Being out in the sun and fresh air after school is any day a better choice.
  • Obesity in children is one of the biggest challenges that parents are facing all over the world. Don't let your child get out of shape. Give healthy food options to counteract obesity. Obesity at a young age causes a lot of medical and health issues in adulthood.
  • Teach your child to give its best. Do not stress them by expecting physical performance beyond their age or winning in sports events. Healthy and joyful participation is what you are looking for in your child.

Regular exercise keeps the body healthy, active and mentally alert. Improve your children's overall health and academics by keeping them physically active with structured  exercise, yoga, meditation, and group sports. Curated fun exercises for kids boost good health and happiness now and during their adult life.

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July 18, 2022

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